Fat burning: 10 fat burning exercises without any equipment with video

2 min readJun 9, 2021

Fat is a macronutrient we get from our daily meals. But, there are two types of fat includes in our foods. they are healthy and unhealthy fats.

We get healthy fat from its healthy source of foods like nuts, almonds, dairy products, etc. It gives us energy and makes our muscles strong. It is also responsible for healthy glowing skin. And unhealthy fat from an unhealthy diet like pizza, burgers, and many other processed, oily foods. They build bad cholesterol in our body and make the blood vessels shrink. It then leads to many serious health problems like High blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, high blood sugar, and heart diseases.

Everyone should add a healthy fat diet to their life to be energetic and can get healthy skin. But, we should also flush out the unhealthy fat/bad cholesterol from our body by doing some exercises. We often do not add exercise in our daily life or skip it because of laziness or because of a busy schedule. In this period of the pandemic, most of the people are missing the gym as they do not have any equipment at the home. Here, I am sharing 10 easy fat-burning exercises that you can add to your daily life and can practice in your home without any equipment. These are the exercises you can do and can lose fat from your overall body.

10 easy fat burning home workout

  1. High knee
  2. Low plank to high plank
  3. Half burpees
  4. Toe touching
  5. Squat jump
  6. Alternative lunges
  7. Jumping jacks
  8. High thrust
  9. Butt kicks
  10. Side plank

Here I am sharing a video to help you out. watch here

Queries you want to know the answers of:-

Q. What are the 3 benefits of fats?

A. The 3 benefits of fats:-

  1. Promoting healthy hearts
  2. Protecting the eye from diseases
  3. Promoting brains health

Q. What is the healthiest fat to eat?

A. Unsaturated healthy fat that is in vegetable oil (olive, canola, sunflower, soy, corn) nuts, seeds, and fish.

Q. What burns the most stomach fat?

A. The things you should do to burn fat are:-

  1. Eat soluble fibers.
  2. More physical activity.
  3. Abdominal workout.
  4. Avoid excessive sugar intake.
  5. Proper sleep.
  6. Drink water.
  7. Quit alcohol.

Q. What are the signs of burning fat?

A. The signs are:-

  1. Good digestion
  2. Weight and muscle changes
  3. Feeling active
  4. Less pain during a workout.
  5. Fitting clothes.

In conclusion,

The fat-burning home workout is best to lose weight for everyone. Try it and enjoy a healthy lifestyle, healthy body and mind.

Originally published at https://www.joinhealthyplanet.com on June 9, 2021.




I had done diploma in nursing and also worked as a staff nurse.