Suryanamaskar| benefits of suryanamaskar

3 min readFeb 3, 2023

Suryanamaskar is the yoga poses that actually, done to bow to the sun. ‘Surya’ means ‘sun’, ‘namaskar’ means ‘salutation’.

In India, people worship the sun. Suryanamaskar has 12 poses to salute the sun. but, it is helpful to give you many health benefits too.

Yoga is a very effective way to practice a healthy life from ancient times. It gives your body the flexibility and strength to your bones and internal organs.

It also superly helpful to get rid of stress and anxiety and get a healthy mind. Which leads to a happy and healthy life.

I will especially recommend it for the working women. As they don’t have any time to take care of them or to practice many workouts. But, only 12 sets of suryanamaskar can help them to get that fit body and mind. Also to smack that fat and stress away. They will feel strong and active the whole day.

This is the best way to stretch or warm-up before any workout. As it will stretch and make your muscles, tendons ready for a heavy workout. you can practice suryanamaskar at any time but it is best to practice in the early morning.

Many people do not like to workout in the early morning. As they feel very lazy to do that straight after they awake. For them, I want to say that do practice suryanamaskar in the early morning. you will feel fresh and active by stretching all your muscles and ligaments.

There are 12 poses in Suryanamaskar(sun salutation). They are:-

  1. Pranamasan or the prayer pose
  2. hasta uttanasana or the raised arm pose
  3. Hasta padmasana or the standing forward bending pose
  4. Ashwa sanchalana or lunge pose
  5. Chaturanga dandasana or the plank pose
  6. Ashtanga namaskar or the eight limbed pose
  7. Bhujangasana or the cobra pose
  8. Adhomukha savasana or the Downward facing dog
  9. Ashwa sanchalasana or the high lunge pose
  10. Hasta padasana or the forward bending pose
  11. Hsata uttanasana or the raised arms pose
  12. Pranamasana or the prayer pose

Here I am sharing the benefits of sun salutation:-

  • Builds muscles
  • make your body and mind active
  • decrease stress
  • decrease anxiety
  • Increase flexibility
  • lowers blood pressure
  • helps to lose weight
  • strengthen core
  • lowers blood sugar
  • Treat insomnia

In conclusion,

Fitness is the thing all are being crazy for. They are practicing many different kinds of workouts to stay fit. yoga is one of them. Surya namaskar has 12 poses which you will love to get a healthy life.

Try it and share your experience with me in the comment box below. For more information related to health and fitness follow me. Thank you.




I had done diploma in nursing and also worked as a staff nurse.